May 19, 2024

All about Krump

The Krump is a dance born in the ghettos of Los Angeles in the early 2000s. The Krump (Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise) is inspired in his gesture by African dances and some form of combat. The Krump is a dance that represents? ' life ?' and all his? enjoyment?
The Krump is for everyone who want to let off steam while practicing an intense sport activity, combined with dance.

The session begins with warm-ups
where we will adopt a fighting attitude. The music is very strong during the session to better soak up.

You are asked to shake
the upper part of the body in all directions, then, legs apart and knees bent, you inflate and deflate your torso by exhaling loudly and aggressively.
Then, movements and swaying are linked.

The Krump helps refine
silhouette while strengthening the back muscles, glutes and abdominals. It's a very invigorating dance method where you will sweat a lot and burn up to 700 calories by session! After a few months, your silhouette will be transformed and sculpted!

Krump lessons last one hour
(packages applied).
In Paris, classes are held at the Atelier (01 48 06 40 49). In the provinces, you can introduce yourself to Krump in Hip Hop classes. To practice the Krump, a comfortable outfit and sneakers suitable for running will suffice.
Our advice
Ask for a medical opinion before practicing this sportbecause it requires a real physical resistance and effort ...

The Art of Krump feat. TightEyez & E.R. - EBS - film by (May 2024)