May 21, 2024

All the secrets of rabbit saddle

Before activating the stove, we must already determine where is the saddle on our rabbit! It's simply the part of the rabbit or hare that runs from the ribs to the tail. Once detached from the rest of the carcass, it will have to remove the ribs and spine. It is a meticulous step but not difficult. An incision is made in the center of the saddle to reach the base of the ribs and they are gently scraped off with a good knife. The spine is gradually removed from the flesh. We make a last small check with the fingers to be sure that there are no small bones and our saddle is ready.
Stuffed or fried
Yves Camdeborde rightly reminds Karim, the rabbit is one of meat white, it works and behaves like poultry. The shape and size of the saddle is ideal for making a stuffed piece. Many associations walk thunder like mushroom-hazel stuffing, Beaufort sage, goat-spinach, caper-anchovies-dried tomatoes. And think of the mustard sauce that goes so well with the rabbit. Once the choice of the stuffing is stopped, roll, string and bake in aluminum with olive oil, salt and pepper, for 20 minutes at 180 °. Some make it brown in a pan the day before and heat up the slices the same day in the pan.
If you want to make a nice autumn fry, we can also cut our saddle into equal pieces and brown them in oil before adding carrots, turnips, chestnuts and mushrooms. For a crunchy side, add a few crushed hazelnuts on the dish.

How to cook RABBIT on the GRILL Perfectly! (May 2024)