July 4, 2024

Ask the children permission

Three families, three styles (the bobos, the Jews of the path and the cathos bourges), the same fight: take things in hand education side.
The children have taken power, imposing their will ... Consequence: the life of family has become a hell. De Lola the insolent who eats his feet on the table and opposes everything, to Maxence and Clarence, the false tokens with the smile of an angel, while passing by Salome and Rachel, the whimsical glued to their consoles and other cartoons ... All have exceeded the limits!
With the help of a psychologist, parents will have to learn to confront their offspring.
Often caricatured but sometimes well seen, this comedy talk about the life of family, with all that it can have of sympathetic and very painful, even of unlivable when the children kings have become true tyrants.
The advantage of this film? The game of children, all very good and some gags that will make the youngest laugh for sure!

The movie site
Our article Child tyrant: it's not too late to react

A comedy by Eric Civanyan with Sandrine Bonnaire, Pascal Légitimus, Anne Parillaud ...
On the screens from April 4, 2007.

23. Asking for permission (English Dialogue) - Educational video for Kids - Role-play conversation (July 2024)