May 18, 2024

Baby bathing

At what age can one bathe a baby at sea, in swimming pool?

In the first months of her life, all the senses of a baby are awake.
Beach or pool, he will be able to enjoy the most of the sensations available to him. Until the age of 5 months, swimming is not recommended because it may not be pleasant. In the shade of a parasol, make sure that he is not hungry, hot or cold, and that he can sleep as he pleases.
From 5 months, you can bathe it if the temperature of the water allows it. At the sea, only his little feet will be entitled. Except if the water is hot. You can then bathe it by holding it in your arms, gently submerging it to your shoulders. Remember, the wider the gap with skin temperature (33 °), the less your baby will support swimming.

How long does it bathe?

The duration depends on the temperature of the water, but at 6 months, swimming for 15 minutes is enough. Watch for any pallor. If his lips turn blue, it's time to get him out of the water. Also be careful that his skin supports sand and salt.
And above all, beware of the sun. Frequent the beach before 11am or after 17h.

How to initiate gradually to the joys of swimming?

At sea and in the pool, do not think that your baby will naturally be a triton or a champion. His motor evolution is day after day, his parents will have to redouble their vigilance and attention. Do not leave your baby sitting at the edge of the water because even a small wave can destabilize his precarious balance. And if by chance your baby goes to discover the beach on all fours, stay close to him to monitor his experiences.
Get him into the water gradually, to let his body get used to the temperature and the movements of the water. Wet it little by little, make it a tender game.
The arms of his parents remain the best buoy possible, but for maximum safety, put him armbands.
On the beach, hold your hand when he carries his bucket or pick up seashells: your baby discovers, assesses, weighs, seizes ... so many discoveries, because not everything is bathing!
In the pool, the depth of water (1m20 or even less in a simple paddling pool) remains an obstacle for a baby who is barely on his legs and learns to stabilize his walking.

Are there any accessories to help him, and have more fun?

Your child must feel safe, but also free. Encourage him, smile at him to show him your interest in seeing him frolic in the water. You can wear it under the armpits so that his little legs are free and can sketch a pedal. Give him armbands that will allow him, especially in the pool, to be secure (but the presence of parents is still essential) or fries, provided he already has a minimum of balance. The floating mats or mattresses Tires are reserved for the pool, but there, your baby must already master the entries in the water and travel a short distance, to reach the arms of his dad or mom.

Is there special equipment for babies?

In the pool and at sea, your baby must wear a jersey, or better yet, a disposable jersey (Little Swimmers Huggies, the only one specifically designed for swimming), which will both provide comfort to his little buttocks but also respect the hygiene of the beaches or the pool. To protect from the sun, sunscreen, bob, glasses and tee-shirt are mandatory.

He screams, refuses to go in the water, what to do?

Patience and love are the best remedies because your child may have other immediate priorities: a growing tooth, poorly controlled toilet training, sleepiness, eating, or the temperature of water that is not not favor his pleasure. Do not rush him. What he will not do today, he will do with envy and pleasure just now or tomorrow.

What should you expect after swimming?

Remember to provide a little comfort after exercise. Because for your child, dominating this new playground is a real physical test. Depending on its habits and age, a small snack will be welcome, as well as a rinsing of the skin and a massage with milk. The experiment continues at another time of the day, tomorrow or later, it must leave a good memory: taste and toilet are part of the lot.

To find the address of a labeled swimming pool where the baby swimming activity is safely practiced, visit the FAAEL website:

Bathing your Newborn (May 2024)