June 25, 2024

Charlotte Le Bon (Yves Saint Laurent): "I'm not a modeuse"

In " Yves Saint Laurent By Jalil Lespert, theatrically released on January 8, 2013, Charlotte Le Bon embodies with grace Victoire, the first muse ofYves Saint Laurent. Far from her character, in life, the actress displays a more casual style. Also, when we talk to her about fashion, the young woman is pretty amazing. Meet the coolest of Quebecers.

GirlsFromMainStreet.com: You were a model and in the movie "Yves Saint Laurent" you play as a model with a lot of style. In life, do you have fetish fashion designers?

Charlotte Le Bon:
It's horrible what I'm going to say but I do not actually have it! Yves Saint Laurent I do not even belong to it because unfortunately I am not a modeuse! (laughs) I appreciate art, I appreciate creation, I appreciate things that are beautiful in drawing and that are beautifully transmitted in life. These are things that fascinate me and I thinkYves Saint Laurent had that genius. Other than that, there are no particular creators that I like.

GirlsFromMainStreet.com: Do you still have rooms in your closet that you could not live without?

Charlotte Le Bon: No, not even ... I'm very pants and sweater but other than that, nothing.

GirlsFromMainStreet.com: In the film, your beauty is perfect and very representative of the time, as well in the choice of clothes as in the make-up for example. In your opinion, is the beauty of before different from the beauty of now?

Charlotte Le Bon: Oh yes ! I have the impression that at the time we celebrated much more the woman in all its splendor and today I find that one tends to want to erase it, to make it more androgynous, mysterious even. In fact, we play a lot with the ambiguity of sensuality whereas at the time a sexy woman was a woman with beautifully highlighted forms. Shoulders, chest, waist, everything was well marked. Today is very different.

GirlsFromMainStreet.com: What women of today in their beauty make you think of icons like Victoire, Betty Catroux or Loulou de la Falaise, the three stars of Yves Saint Laurent that can be seen in the film?

Charlotte Le Bon: Yves Saint Laurent has probably crossed hundreds of beautiful women. If these three women have inspired him so much, if he chose them to make his muses it is in my opinion because they all had something more. No doubt a special character, a magnetism, something that does not express itself. I think that a woman, whatever her character, who assumes her part of femininity as well as her part of masculinity is an example of absolute beauty.

La Petite Robe Noire #2 (June 2024)