May 19, 2024

Children's Anniversaries: Mom's Testimonials

Anne-Gaëlle, mother of Guillaume (11 years old)
Until CM2, we organized snacks for her anniversary. This year, Guillaume wanted to do something different, and for my part, working on Saturday morning, I would not have had time to prepare a party for the afternoon. So we opted for a turnkey formula, in a cinema. First there was a backstage tour, then a snack, and finally the kids designed their own movie poster. The group caregiver was used to the youth and ran activities like a recreation center. The guests were delighted. Since entering college, the birthdays have more and more outside: Guillaume has participated in a workshop to prepare pizza, an adventure course with tree climbing ... This must be a question of age!
Hélène, mother of Malo (7 years old)
At his last anniversarywe invited ten boys and girls from her class for a treasure hunt. The children had a plan of the house in hand, and had to solve an enigma at each of the three stages of the journey, to find the treasure chest, filled with playing cards, stickers, candies, stickers ... Then, of course, there was a snack and at the end of the afternoon, some of the children played football while others board games. It lasted two and a half hours, it was enough for their age. Better to think in advance of the organization of the afternoon, and to alternate two or three major types of activities.

25th Anniversary - A Mother's Testimonial (May 2024)