May 21, 2024

Everything is played before 6 years in the child: true or false?

"Everything is played before 6 years" is actually the title of a book, published in 1970. A best-seller of Fitzhugh Dodson (American psychologist, specializing in education) that has attracted the attention of parents... while also raising a lot of concern among dads and moms !
In his book, the psychologist explains the different stages of development of thechild.
This process takes place during the period of 0 to 6 years. Our cherubim learn to walk, to talk, to socialize, to go from diapers to pot, to finally go to the bathroom alone ... In short, a period of mental, physical and emotional development.child.

Is everything really definitive at the age of 6?
This theory has been much questioned by specialists, and even parents. However, some approve by saying that if this stage of development of thechild is not done properly at this time, it could not be done properly in the years to follow.
However, the opinion of specialists is mainly against. They justify their opinion by admitting that the human being is in perpetual evolution during his existence. Individuals also evolve during their adolescence or even adulthood. The advice given is not to push his child for this development to be effective at 6 years old. This could cause adverse effects (hyperactivity, phobia ...).
A delay can always catch up. The opinion of a specialist can always direct you on the growth of your children if you worry.

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