May 2, 2024

Florence Dupré The Tower

In addition to Capucin, in the running for the competition, Florence Dupré the Tower has published two albums, at Michel Lagarde: "Forever my sister" and "Forever summer". What's more, his participation in the cartoon "Little Vampire" marks a real leap in his career: it is the adaptation of a series of Joann Sfar, the most prolific author in France. But this one also directs the collection Bayou, at Gallimard ... the one where is published Capucin.
In this comic book, the designer portrays a young prince who became a thief after leaving his parents. She supports her medieval scenario, whimsical and creaking, with an original drawing, full of exaggerations and sharp colors.
Capuchin, Florence Dupré The Tower, Gallimard, Bayou collection, 15?

CBS Sunday Morning 9/11 15 years later (May 2024)