May 20, 2024

Get out baby when it's cold in 3 lessons

We had to tell you often at the maternity ward, a newborn baby does not yet have a mature thermal regulation system that allows him to maintain a constant temperature of his body. It therefore adopts the outside temperature, which makes it very vulnerable to the risk of hypothermia. Moreover, babies often do not walk before 1 year, they are not able to warm up while moving. Finally, their immune system is still very fragile, they are more exposed to ENT infections. So many reasons to learn to cover it well before going out.
How to dress?
If the outputs, even in cold weather, are rather beneficial for baby from several weeks, absolutely avoid going for a walk in foggy weather. Always cover your head and ears baby because that is where much of its heat can escape (prefer soft materials and hoods that go down to the neck to caps because baby do not fancy the elastic banding his head) and its ends (remember to check that he does not lose his mittens or his shoes on the way). In general, opt for all-in-one suits that protect from head to toe. Adopt the so-called onion technique by superimposing layers of clothing (long-sleeved cotton bodysuit + long-sleeved wool sweater or bib + sticky + warm slippers (if the combi stops at the ankles) + combination): c It is thus easier to avoid the hot / cold by adapting the outfit of baby at the time of changing environment (inputs and outputs of shops / transport heated for example).

How to go out equipped?
Before 2-3 months, ban the exits in a ventral baby carrier or carrier sling when the temperatures are very low (even in winter sports) because the compressed legs of baby could cool very quickly. For up to 6 months, you can take it out in its carrycot, comfortably seated in a snug angel's nest and covered with a fleece blanket. In case of wind, do not forget to dress the stroller of the rain cover or to fix a lange on the exposed part of the nacelle with the help of clothespins for example. After 6 months, the stroller is sufficient if it is equipped with a waterproof foot cover and a hood against the rain. As you walk, do not forget to give a drink to baby and make sure it is not too hot (put your hand over (forget if it's frozen) in his neck to make sure he's not sweating) or too cold (very cold hands).

And back?
When coming out (never more than an hour and preferably at the hottest hours, between 11am and 3pm), make sure that baby is not cold (take its temperature: if it goes down around 35 ° C, it must absolutely warm). If this is the case, stay in a well-heated room, cover it well (change clothes immediately if they are wet or wet), keep it in your arms and give it a hot drink or hot meal. Consult your doctor if his temperature continues to drop.

How to Train Child to Use a Potty in 3 Days (May 2024)