July 4, 2024

How to answer children's questions

By definition, no question is indiscreet, only the answers are, but it is not always easy to find appropriate answers for each age.

Between the age of 2 and 7, children discover the world and the objects around them. It is from this moment that their questions become more intense and the most innocent questions can embarrass you and make you feel uncomfortable.

Children can ask questions about very concrete topics: sexuality, death ... No subject should be taboo, only the answers should be adapted to the age and sensitivity of the child.

Faced with a disconcerting question and asked at 7 am, at breakfast, the style "say mom, what happens when you're dead?", Try to answer and avoid the leak. If the timing is wrong, give him the assurance to answer at another time of the day to have time to chat with him. Your child will understand perfectly if you keep your word. From time to time, you are allowed to admit an "I do not know", but offer him to look for the answer in books adapted to his age or educational CD-ROMs. Tell them about other sources of information that you have and then talk to them about what they have learned about the topic that is arousing their curiosity.

Answering questions does not mean lying to them. It is not necessary never lie to them, because at this age the only model they have is yourself and they will draw inspiration from it all their life, so unless they lie temporarily to protect them from a truth that is too hard and cumbersome consequences, it is better to avoid.
Our advice
Always tell your children the truth because they must trust you. Although some truths are not very easy to explain, it's useless to tell stories to sleep. Know that children have a sixth sense for family secrets and that this will have consequences even more serious than revealing them by sparing their sensitivity.

How To Answer the Most Difficult Children's Questions (July 2024)