May 18, 2024

How to make baby sleep?

From intra uterine sleep to bassinet
In the womb, baby sleeps mostly during the day, his sleep being rocked by Mom's movements and voice. It activates at night when she lies down and would like to sleep well! After the birth, baby sleeps about 16 hours a day, in phases of about 3 hours. As soon as he has differentiated day and night (around 5-6 weeks), the newborn will gradually lengthen his sleep at night until 6, 9 and 12 o'clock (around 6 months) and reduce his daytime naps. His sleep is organized in cycles and, at night, at the end of each of them, baby knows micro-alarms and falls asleep immediately. Normally ... but everything is not always so well adjusted! A child four of them still wake up their parents at night between 6 months and one year, more in case of breastfeeding. At 4 years old, close to child out of two still has difficulty falling asleep at night and wakes up at night (source: Vendôme laboratories). If that's the case at home, read on ...

Some tips to help fall asleep
From birth, you can set up a bedtime ritual for your baby : light a night light, go up the musical mobile, read a little story, caress and kiss before leaving the room. From 9 months, this ritual is essential: baby is now aware that you leave him, he needs to be reassured to find the sleepand routine reassures him. Even tired, you have to take the time to sleep: more baby feel that you want to go fast, the more he feels that you want to get rid of him and will have trouble falling asleep ... On the other hand, the bed of baby must never be used as a park or place of punishment. If he has trouble leaving you to go to sleep, talk with him, explain to him that he does not miss anything, that it's time for parents, that he does not have to sleep, but he is the time to stay calm in bed. Finally, the ideal room is quiet, regularly ventilated and sufficiently humidified. The temperature should not exceed 20 ° C. Baby is lying on a firm mattress, without a blanket or pillow, and sleeps in a turbulette or a surpyjama, or just a pajamas when he sleeps between his two parents (their heat is enough).

Is it good to sleep with baby ?
Otherwise called cosleeping (cododo in French), sleeping with his child actually covers different practices:
1) thechild share the same bed as his parents;
2) he sleeps in his little bed stuck to the large marital bed, in a sidecar;
3) He sleeps in the same room as Mom and Dad, but in his own corner. Each one has its defenders and detractors. Some parents swear by the cododo as long as thechild is breastfed or until he makes his nights. Others believe that it is important not to get used to it, otherwise you will have child wayward and make a cross on his life as a couple ... What is certain is that baby must have a place of his own, here or elsewhere, and the first few weeks, he does not like being alone in a quiet place to find the sleep.

Go there or not?
From 0 to 3 months, it is useless to let one cry baby : he is often hungry and will only go back to sleep exhausted by his tears, to wake up half an hour later and claim again, even if he has been an hour before. So courage, we get up! And each time, we make sure that he has no hunger, no thirst, no heat, no cold, no dirty diapers, no fear. Baby needs emotional security, and to console him at these times is to establish his confidence in you, which will then guarantee you beautiful nights. Be aware however that from about 6 kg, your boutchou is physiologically able to spend a night without eating, or at least 7 hours in a row. So after having fed, changed, reassured and cuddled, we lie down ... and we let him cry a little. If he is well surrounded, he will quickly learn to fall asleep or go back to sleep alone.
If your baby squirms when lying down, he may be suffering from gastro-oesophageal reflux. His digestive system is not mature, and acid refluxes burn the esophagus. This can wake him up for one to two hours after feeding or nursing while he is sleeping peacefully, and he may end up apprehending that he is lying down. Another possible cause for waking up is infant colic.In both cases, the baby sling has proved its worth, at least during the day. baby is vertical (so it does not "go back"), it is rocked by the steps of the parents and reassured by the contact, the heat, the sound of the voice, the smell ... If the scarf is not enough do not hesitate to consult. At first, an osteopath or chiropractor can check that something is not "blocked". A little difficult birth (long delivery, forceps, big baby or twisted positions in the mother's womb) may have caused cranial and cervical tension, which can affect the nervous and organic system (thus reflux and colic). In a second step, a pediatrician can prescribe specific drugs.
Later, around 9-10 months, small crying may appear (or reappear) at bedtime or two hours later, while baby fell asleep without problems. At this age, he has passed a psychological stage where he is aware of being alone ... and to be one with his mother. It is then to reassure him, without making it last or even inevitably get him out of bed: a little kiss and return to sleep! Finally, psychological causes can disrupt the sleep of baby he perceives the anguish of his mother, and this in turn anguishes him. These moms will have to work on themselves and not hesitate to get help.

Is it good to sleep with baby?
Otherwise called cosleeping (cododo in French), sleeping with his child actually covers different practices:
1) thechild share the same bed as his parents;
2) he sleeps in his little bed stuck to the large marital bed, in a sidecar;
3) He sleeps in the same room as Mom and Dad, but in his own corner. Each one has its defenders and detractors. Some parents swear by the cododo as long as thechild is breastfed or until he makes his nights. Others believe that it is important not to get used to it, otherwise you will have child wayward and make a cross on his life as a couple ... What is certain is that baby must have a place of his own, here or elsewhere, and the first few weeks, he does not like being alone in a quiet place.

Why sleep baby on the back ?
The question deserves to be asked, since a few years ago, we advocated the opposite! Finally, it seems that the supine position is the best defense against choking and sudden infant death. In this position, breathing is easier and the temperature regulates better (especially in case of fever). If, bigger, baby Turn around, do not be afraid, it's because he supports it well.

Bedtime Lullabies and Calming Undersea Animation: Baby Lullaby (May 2024)