May 8, 2024

Influence of the ascendant on the sign

Do you know your ascendant and his? It can make all the difference. Small details on the role of ascendancy ...

It is the position of the Sun at birth which determines the ascendant (date and time of birth). The position of the Sun is taken as the tip of the House I. The planet that gives its sign to the ascendant is the closest to the point or the one that has its home in the sign covered by the house I.
How does ascendancy influence your sign?
Your ascendancy essentially influences your personality and your character. Thus, without knowing the astrological sign of someone, but with the only knowledge of the ascendant, we can already indicate traits of character. The ascendant is more concerned with the self, conscious and voluntary of the subject than its physiological state.
The ascendant can modify a behavior, but also the health aspects? of a theme. If your physical characteristics depend on your astrological sign, your health and your fragilities depend more on your ascendancy and the influence of its associated planet on your organs; Of course, the ascending sign associated with the solar sign is not sufficient to characterize an individual, because the position of certain planets in your theme can bring serious nuances.
Ascending lion bull or bull ascending lion, is it the same thing?
Note that according to these indications, a bull ascending lion, will be different from an ascending bull lion: both are of artistical nature, the first, rather authoritarian, has the ambition to serve his interests or his glory, while the second more artist, is sensitive to the beauty and seeks a domestic comfort ...
So, if you do not know it yet, calculate quickly your ascendancy!

> Horosocope according to your ascendancy

> Calculation of your ascendant 

Rising Sign degree point and planet's effect in Vedic astrology (Jyotish) (May 2024)