May 19, 2024

Know-how: what is a good couscous?

To begin, a good couscousthey are good ingredients. Buy some chicken farmer, vegetables fresh to the market and the semolina quality (the brand Dali is top)!
The recipes of couscous vary between the Maghreb countries and the family cultures of each. But there remains a base that you can decline at your convenience. You need of course the semolina, lamb or mutton, chicken, merguez, chickpeas, zucchini, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, onions, garlic, cloves ... You can also add beef balls, celery, potatoes etc.

It is important to take care of the semolina, the base of your couscous. Work 1 kg of grains and 1 dl of olive oil with your hands (act as if you were washing them). Gradually add 500 g of water until the beans come off well. Let stand for 20 minutes. Cook the semolina in a metal couscoussier filled with 2 L of water. You can add vegetables and a little raz el hanout to scent the water. Stir from time to time semolina during the 20 minutes of cooking. Give back semolina in the bowl and squeeze it as needed. Add 300 g cold salt water, let stand 20 minutes and cook again for 20 minutes.

Empty the water of the couscoussier and sauté the chicken and lamb in olive oil. Add the spices and vegetables.

Wet with water or broth (the liquid should touch the surface). Foam the surface to the boil. After 20 minutes, put the semolina cook another 20 minutes above the meat. Keep an eye on the cooking vegetables who have to keep the outfit. Grill the merguez. Add the chickpeas previously cooked in the water and the raisins inflated with boiling water.

A couscous badly spiced would be bad. Ras el hanout, a mix of spices as varied as caradamome, turmeric and maniguette, is perfect for this recipe. At table, the harissa sauce mixed with the broth juice must be within reach of couscous.
And finally, last tip: good food, it takes time so take your day to make a great couscous to share.

Gayle: Episode 4 - The Great Couscous Heist (May 2024)