May 4, 2024

Mashed potatoes with truffles and shrimps

Incredible, this explanation of the famous aphrodisiac power of the truffle! Its aromatic substances, which give it this unique taste, would be close to some of the human scents, especially armpits. In other words, the flavor of the truffle starts our most bestial instincts by imitating our pheromones.
Moreover, this mushroom contains a substance close to testosterone, one of the human hormones of sexuality.

© Sweet Salty / Czap
Mash potatoes of potato with truffles and shrimp
Ingredients (For 6 people1 kg of potatoes
100 g of shrimp roses
150 g of butter
10 cl of liquid cream
20 cl of Madeira sauce
1 small truffle
1 piece of candied lemon peel
2 dill stems
2 stalks of flat parsley
Salt pepper

Wash them potatoes. Put them in a saucepan. Cover with water, salt and bring to a boil. Cook for 25 minutes after boiling.
Meanwhile, wash, dry and dill dill and parsley. Finely chop the parsley. Cut the candied lemon peel and the truffle into small cubes. Pour the Madeira sauce in a small saucepan, add half of the truffle dice and heat gently in a bain-marie.
Drain them potatoes and peel them. Pass them to the potato masher and put the mash potatoes obtained in a saucepan. Add the butter in plots and the cream and place on low heat. Heat gently while stirring. Season with salt and pepper, add the remaining truffle and parsley.
Preheat oven th 4 (120 °).
Shim six small individual molds of food film. Fill the molds with mash potatoes improved and bake. Warm up 10 minutes.
Unmount purées in the plates. Remove the film and decorate with sprigs of dill and shrimp roses. Surround Madeira sauce with truffle and serve immediately.

Truffled mashed Potatoes (May 2024)