May 4, 2024

Mood swings during pregnancy

Hypersensitivity of Sandra
L was pregnant about 7 months. One night, I was watching a beautiful 1950s film "Joddy and the Fawn" with Gregory Peck. A little boy is friend with a fawn, but as the animal eats all the crops of the family, the father explains to his little boy that he will have to kill him. The child begins to cry, and suddenly I feel a terrible despair, a real gulf. My box of kleenex becomes indispensable and faded minute by minute.
The worst moment arrives, the father takes his rifle, close-up on the eyes of the fawn, the most beautiful eyes of the world, a small tear bead on one of the corners of the eye ... And here I start crying like if I had lost my father and mother, nothing counts more about me than life in this way ...
Suddenly, the phone rings, it's my husband: "But what's going on? It's okay? It's the baby? But tell me? !!!" And I in a tear I scream, "He will kill the fawn !!! It's horrible !!! Do something!"
The father killed the fawn, atrocious ... I took two hours to recover, when my husband came in I was crying again.
The susceptibility of Olivia
Pregnant from the first, I cried very often for nothing. This time (I'm expecting a second baby), I'm not crying anymore, but I'm even more likely than usual, especially on aspects that concern my body.
The thing that annoys me right now is the thoughts of girlfriends of the style:
- "Aloooors, is it for soon? "
- "Well no, in two months".
- "Oh, good. I would not have said ... "implied: my poor what are you big ...
Julie's annoyances
For my two pregnanciesduring the first trimester, I felt very irritable, whereas I am of a natural rather calm and soft. My office colleagues annoyed me, the least of their thoughts drunk me to the highest point, and at home at night, I found myself being unpleasant with my husband for no reason. I do not know why, but everyone annoyed me. A real ringworm. Fortunately, my misanthropy has faded since the second quarter. I never understood why I had fallen prey to this foul mood.
The opinion of the psychiatrist
The mood swings of women pregnant are due to two factors: one physiological, consecutive to the hormonal upheaval, and the other psychological.
During their pregnancy, the women go through several phases. They can go from a feeling of irritability to a great joy.
They sometimes feel conscious concerns, related to their pregnancy : "Will I know how to take care of my baby? "Is the delivery going to be okay? "...
Another stress, unconscious that one, can explain some anxieties and moods. Closely related to personal history, especially if there were previously problems related to pregnancy, this stress can generate manifestations of moods.
For a women, waiting for a first child is one of the most important life cycles.
To help women to best manage this period, I advise them to take care of them, to pamper themselves, to relax, to take time for them.
All the gentle methods of relaxation bring a big benefit.

Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (May 2024)