May 8, 2024

My pregnancy week by week: week 34

Your breasts are getting heavier and your body is preparing to give birth: the bones of the pelvis diverge your cervix is ​​becoming softer. You can do more water retention, especially if your weight gain is higher than normal.

Your baby
At 34 weeks, your baby weighs about 2,200 kg and measures about 43 cm from the head to the heels. He always urines a lot, the equivalent of about 2 tablespoons per hour. If it's a girl, the ovaries are still not down in the abdomen. He now has a well rounded body and face, most of his organs are now mature. You can feel his hiccups more often: it is because he trains to breathe and because of this, he swallows amniotic fluid.

And the future dad?
Take advantage of this time to two, if you do not have children, to lead a calm life, quiet, exchange ... when baby will be born, it will impose its rhythm and you will be subjected both to shorter nights, tiring ... Make a cure of rest and healthy food to be in super shape to accomodate your baby !

Good to know
At this point, if meconium is detected in the amniotic fluid, it is a sign of fetal distress. In addition, some fetal anomalies may be operated in utero. The surgeon is guided by ultrasound.
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Our advices
No more departures on weekends or getaways away from home ... Take advantage of this time to lie down and read, listen to music, relax in peace ... it's great for your baby.

Your 34th Week of Pregnancy (May 2024)