May 8, 2024

Our behavior guided by our genes?

Could this be the discovery health of the year ? Researchers compared two types of twins, true and "false" twins. Their study would have shown that genes affect our social behavior, and these scientists confirm that they will soon be able to identify "genes of the personality". These are the results of the study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of California and Harvard University, published in the newspaper Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"We have already identified some genes, and we are waiting for other tests for verification," said James H. Fowler, a senior lecturer in political science at the University of California, one of the authors of the study.

"The discovery will not help turn a person used to tapestry into a social browser, partly because of the difficulties of genetic manipulation, but mostly because the social behavior comes from the interaction between genes and the education, "says James H. Fowler.

Sociable or reserved, group leader or shy, daring or fearful, we would all be determined by our genetic heritage? The authors of this research have carried out other studies on social networks, which have shown that traits like happiness and obesity can be dispersed through personal relationships.

1,100 twins participated in this research, identical twins and "fake" twins. The results reveal more similarity between the social networks of the identical twins (who have the same genes) than those of the fraternal twins (whose genes vary somewhat). Will these observations be confirmed for all of humanity?

Can behavior change genes ? (May 2024)