May 19, 2024

Pastry, the number 1 remedy against depression?

It is said that music softens the hearts. English chefs revisit the diction and imagine the pastry as a new fashionable moral lift. Now, pastries ephemera arrive in the United Kingdom with the aim of "creating a space for dialogue around depression while tasting cupcakes" says designer Emma Thomas.

Bye Bye the blows of depressed
The concept is simple: "while tasting sweets, gourmands will be led to dialogue around the depression. And the funds raised will be donated to associations dedicated to mental illnesses "adds Emma Thomas, also called Miss Cakehead (Miss" head of cake"No scientific research explains why or how cooking helps you feel better, and it's certainly not a cure for depression, but it can be therapeutic and help many people." is the goal it has set for its shops Since early August, Depressed Cake Shops have been established in London, Glasgow, Derby, Cardiff and North Yorkshire.

Support associations
Like cooking, the pastry leads to a certain appeasement and is known to all. At the time already, a famous English presenter Marry Berry had said: "If you feel depressed, a little kneading can help you ...". And she is not wrong, because according to the newspaper The Guardian, "there is something reassuring in this ritual, weigh quietly butter, sugar, flour. Break the eggs, whisk, mix, stir. "

Another good news of the same style, eat your own pastries would have healthier virtues on health than eating those bought in the supermarket. According to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition, the pastries would increase the risk of depression by more than 50%. Notice to gourmands and gourmands, do not hesitate!

Depressed Cake Shop's Cookies Are Good for Mental Health (May 2024)