May 8, 2024

Pregnant: sleep problems during pregnancy dangerous for the baby?

On July 17, US researchers at the University of Pittsburgh published the results of a study on the consequences of sleep deprivation in women pregnant (Study published on UMPC). The conclusions are disturbing. The women pregnant suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders are exposed to risks of birth premature, but also to vascular diseases and depression. Disturbances related to the weakening of the immune system that can directly have adverse effects on the health of the body. baby, especially in the case of a birth premature.

In cause: an excess of cytokines
Lack of sleep can lead to an overproduction of cytokines, molecules that communicate directly with cells of the immune system. Cytokines play a very important role during the pregnancy since they are the ones that regulate the immune system, but too many they destroy healthy cells and damage the tissues that protect the woman pregnant diseases. These molecules can affect placental circulation, increasing the risk of complications.

Know how to detect sleep disorders from the first months of pregnancy
Study highlights the importance of detecting insomnia problems in women as quickly as possible pregnant, especially in women with depression. Indeed, they are more prone to sleep disorders and therefore have a higher cytokine level than others. A fast management (from the first months of the pregnancy) minimizes the consequences that can be, as this study shows, very serious.

Pregnancy Causing Restless Sleep (May 2024)