May 8, 2024

Slimming down, slimming down: the reasons for these differences

Morphology is a question of heredity. So you can thank Mom for receiving her generous bosom but you would have preferred not to get her belly! But when we tend to be strong from the top, we are to the pubis! Besides, this belly bounced, you have a hard time getting rid of it. And yes, even if you restrict your diet, it clings. Normal. For to deprive oneself is not enough, it is necessary to know which foods to avoid. In addition, other phenomena can be added to your type of overweight. This is the case of hypothyroidism and other problems of insulin and diabetes. Also, before you jump into a diet, ask your doctor to check these settings.
Because the main cause of curvature in the upper body is related to the excessive production of insulin: when you eat a piece of sugar, it is not transformed into energy but stored in fat reserves. To lose weight, you must "simply" eliminate sugars.

And the bottom rounds?
For them, the responsible are multiple: poor blood circulation (which promotes cellulite), hormonal disorders, water retention, lack of exercise, heredity, untimely nibbling of sweet products but also and especially the genetic programming! Indeed, the woman is "genetically conceived" to store the fat on this area of ​​the body until menopause. A fat very difficult to dislodge further. Also, to achieve this, bet on a food rebalance eliminating sugar and salt (in part) but also the physical exercise and the absorption of drainers. Because with a diet food, you will lose only 15% of your fat tissue.

Dr. Oz's Fix for Back Fat in Women (May 2024)