May 4, 2024

Slimming: the best fat-burning breakfast

The so-called "trial" swimsuit comes, it is no longer a question of slipping bread rolls spread with jam at breakfast. It is not this type of diet that will optimize your physical exercises! However, even to put aside pancakes with maple syrup or "cereals" stuffed with sugars and dyes, there are still festivities that will allow you to absorb good fats to better burn them!


The good fats, the ones that allow you to work at full ball while maintaining your energy and carving your body, are complex carbohydrates. The term "complex" means that foods have a low glycemic index, providing energy over time (no pike of weakness and hunger around 10:30).


Here are some good breakfast ideas inspired by the book "The Carbs Lover Diet" (Health Edition), to start a strong day in energy expenditure!


Yogurt + oatmeal + banana
Mix a yoghurt with oat flakes and a sliced ​​banana is to refuel at reduced prices for our glutes! The last two ingredients are rich in complex carbohydrates, especially if the banana is not quite ripe, still a little green.


Bread roll + banana kiwi smoothie
Bread is still one of your best ally before leaving for a morning to trudge without faltering. Covered with chocolate hazelnut spread, it works less well, but with a small dose of honey or jam, the pleasure is there! The kiwi banana smoothie is a kind of energizing magic potion.


Bowl of cereals or bagel bread
Better than brioche or baguette, bagel or pita bread will better your appetite, support better effort and will be less rich in calories! Similarly, the cereal dilemma is not limited to a choice between Smacks and Chocapics. Cornflakes are corn petals. But not covered with sugar ...

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