June 25, 2024

Slimming tip: lose 2 pounds by eliminating sugary drinks

In theory, we know that sodas, drinks alcoholics and their sweet girlfriends are not good for our health and our line thinness. However, in times of dietwe think more about eliminating sausage than the glass of rosé or that of lemonade. Thinking your strategies of diet food special beach, it may be necessary to think twice ...

The CERIN (Center for Research and Nutritional Information) reports an experiment on 300 overweight or obese adults who lost an average of two kilograms in six months. Delete drinks sweetened has reduced the number of calories ingested: minus 230 on a day. As a reminder, a glass of drink cola "weighs" 66 calories, a strawberry milk: 93 calories; a glass of beer between 132 and 155 calories. Hard reality of drinks sweet ...

Farewell drinks What are the substitute for?

By water, you will answer healthily. And a little sadly. Still, mineral water is the best for quenching, to give a feeling of satiety all with zero calories.

Why not consider drinks dietary, lean, rich in aspartame of course, but less in sugars? 23 calories for a can of light soda on average. It is already a good compromise when you are thirsty for a little taste!

A Simple Weight Loss Trick - Stop Drinking Soda! (June 2024)