May 19, 2024

SOS Beauty Tips Sunburn

Despite the advice of doctors and dermatologists, the Sun tanning Gingerbread remains in the collective imagination as a beauty ideal, displayed in advertising format in all magazines and subway corridors. If, despite all precautions, you still have a sunburn, follow our advice to repair overheated skin.

Your skin is cooked, so you have to moisturize it. Choose a soothing cream, in pharmacy. Apply it thickly. If your skin absorbs all the cream, repeat the operation. Attention: once the skin is impregnated with cream, it must never be exposed to even weak sun rays, as this will increase the danger of rays.
Alternative to the cream: cook on your body! Slices of tomato or cucumber will relieve the tingling sensation created by burning. Aloe Vera oil is also an excellent remedy.

Your skin is cooked, so do not re-cook it. After a sunburn, the best protection is to escape the sun, and stay in the shade with a t-shirt.

Blisters, crusts, etc. Let's move on to the "over the glam" aspect of the sunburn: the crust. The second-degree burned skin offers these small inconveniences. If it's just skin that bats, hydration remains the key word. But beyond that, care must be taken to disinfect with sterile compresses. And to ask your pharmacist for advice!

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