June 7, 2024

Stress in children: the role of parents

Sylvie Sarzaud, former professor of schools and currently sophrologist in Morbihan, wrote a book "I help my child to overcome stress" (Editions Eyrolles). She gives us her opinion.

Are parents sometimes responsible for the stress of their children? If so, how can we not put up with this "weight" anymore?

Parents of stressed children would be better off introspecting: "How do I feel now in my life? What are my anxieties, my blockages, my desires, the desires I have not yet realized? How to make my life more harmonious, more serene, what is the quality of my relationship with my child, what do I communicate to him, what do I expect from him? transmit? " By responding sincerely to these questions, parents will find a wealth of information from which they can build an action plan. No doubt they will discover that they can become actors in their own changes (in their ways of living, thinking and reacting to events).

How can parents manage a stressed child?

Parents can manage their schedule, their career, their finances, the organization of the next holiday or the choice of the menu for Christmas ... Under no circumstances will they manage their children! Children, we educate them, we reassure them, we love them but we do not manage them.

Dogs do not make cats, it seems. Is stress hereditary?

It is possible that stress is transmitted by heredity. Recent studies on animals would tend to prove it. What is certain is that it is spread by contagion in a family and cultural environment. If all the members of a family are showing signs of anxiety, the children will inevitably suffer the negative effects of environmental stress.

Toolkit for parents to help their child cope with exam stress (June 2024)