May 19, 2024

The 10 tricks so that the toilet does not become a chore

Before four years, your child is not able to wash independently. For this reason, the bath is often a moment of complicity, and exchanges with a child who, however, does not always agree.

Do not impose anything but stimulate the desire to wash by offering games. The more you face it, the less you risk winning the battle of thehygiene on the long term. Better to combine the toilet with pleasure.

Always choose the same time of the day to wash. The evening is ideal because your child needs to relax and get dirty during his activities. After the walk, before and after the meal, he must also integrate as a reflex ofhygiene washing hands with hot water and soap.

To awaken your child to the joys of bathingthere are of course all kinds of bath toys but a simple bottle of water that he can fill and empty, butcher and unclog, and with which he can make bubbles, etc. is enough to occupy it!

Teach him to name the parts of his body. The moment of the bath is the ideal moment for that.

With cooking utensils, show him the properties of water : a colander, a container, a spoon flowing, a wooden spoon floating, a whip that bubbles in the water ... and you are equipped for many baths.

Use a washcloth as if it were a small character. The hand slipped into the glove as in a puppet, tell the story of the frog who did not like the water ...

Take the time to explain what you will do : what part of the body will you soap, why, if it tickles ... The children are like us. They do not like to be taken by surprise.

Let your child play with soap, make bubbles, appropriate this moment. Of course you must always be there to ensure his safety.

To wash the hair to a young child, even with products that do not sting the eyes, you may encounter some resistance. If you give him a doll that he can shampoo at the same time, your child should be sufficiently engrossed in his task to make yours go unnoticed!

Think about the comfort of your child during the toilet : a bath at the right temperature, a hot towel to dry, a washcloth placed on the eyes during the rinsing of the shampoo ... All this helps not to create unnecessary tension.

Our advice
The teeth brush at least twice a day, for at least two minutes. The best way to teach this is to set an example because your child loves to emulate!

7 Genius Cleaning Tricks For Your Bathroom (May 2024)