June 7, 2024

The 5 signs that announce childbirth

Detachment of a mucous plug

During pregnancy, a mucous plug obstructs the entrance to the cervix. Its function is to protect your baby against infections. Shortly before?deliveryhe is expelled. It has the appearance of a small ball of brown mucus or dew because tinged with blood. The loss of this plug, accompanied by vaginal discharge, arrives a few days before?delivery. When you lose this cork, it is important that you inform your gynecologist because it means that the?delivery is coming soon.


Sudden weight loss

About a week from thedeliverybecause of a change in hormone levels, you lose one to two kilograms. These are actually kilos of amniotic fluid that you dislodge. They indicate the beginning of the rupture of the membranes.


The loss of waters

This is by far the best known sign. The water pocket, which contains the amniotic fluid, breaks down and is the beginning of contractions in the hours that follow? The loss of waters announces that the?delivery is imminent! Call an ambulance quickly or bring you to the nearest hospital as soon as possible. It is urgent to go fast! Indeed, because of the rupture of the membranes, your baby no longer in a sterile environment and is exposed to infections.



To know if your contractions announce the?deliveryobserve their frequency and intensity. The contracting contractions of the?deliveryare intense, particularly painful and close together. They follow each other quickly and have a regular rhythm. Not to be confused with so-called "Braxton Hicks" contractions that are unpredictable and irregular.


Nausea and indigestion

A little before the start of work, you may feel nausea or a stomach ache often accompanied by cramps. These ailments are actually caused by the beginning of work! L?delivery is near?


Normal Vaginal Childbirth (June 2024)