May 8, 2024

The dangers of the sun: the risks for the whole family

Ultraviolet light can cause irreversible damage. In short, the sun gives us morale and health, but its UV rays are dangerous for the skin and eyes. In the more or less long term, the sun's radiation is responsible for many harmful effects. Everyone wants bronze to come back to the office all beautiful and tanned but the sun is a real danger to the skin of the whole family

Risks for the skin

- Sunburn is a burn of the skin of the first degree. It is often painful. It is characterized by a red plaque on the skin. If the sunburn is intense, it can become a burn and be accompanied by other effects (nausea, dizziness ...). During the following days, you must not expose yourself to the sun anymore.

- Sunburn, also called heat stroke, comes after exposure of the head to the sun. It is characterized by high fever, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea or muscle cramps. If you have caught sunstroke, you must hydrate yourself. If you go swimming, pay attention to the risks of hydrocution.

- Premature aging of the skin : early and deep wrinkles, stains, thickening or thinning of the skin.

- Lucites or allergies to the sun : it is about solar allergy where the responsible allergenic agent is not known. This condition particularly affects women aged 18 to 30 years. It can also be observed in children. These red, itchy spots appear only on the parts of the body that are discovered.

- Cancers There are two main skin cancers (carcinomas and melanomas).
The subjects most affected by these cancers usually have fair skin, are blond or red and tan with difficulty.

And the babies, children? Their skin is extremely thin and the sun attacks them more easily. Mum and dad must spread sunscreen regularly and after each swim, put a t-shirt and a hat between 12:00 and 16:00.

- Photosensitizations (reaction of the sunburn type): it can be caused by certain products (perfumes, alcoholic creams ...) or medicines. You should consult the package leaflet or talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Risks to the eyes

- Conjunctivitis

- Ophthalmia

- Cataract

- Degeneration of the retina

Risks to the immune system

UV rays, which affect the skin, can have adverse effects on the immune system. They can lead to immunosuppression that leads to susceptibility to certain infectious skin or general diseases.

How To Sun-Proof Your Life | 如何保護自己不受陽光的傷害 (May 2024)