May 8, 2024

The day after a holiday: what should we eat?

To start the day

Drink a large glass of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed in it. Although having an acid taste this food will help bring the pH of your body to a more neutral state, or even basic. This is called alkalinization. Be careful that the water is warm and not hot because vitamin C is destroyed by contact with heat. This large glass of lemon water will gently wake up your digestive system that you mistreated the day before and unravel your complexion.
What to eat at breakfast? Sobacha cup (infusion of roasted buckwheat seeds)

A natural soy yogurt

A buckwheat pancake with 1 teaspoon of honey

½ pink grapefruit with a little stevia

What you should know: buckwheat provides more than 12% protein. It contains all the essential amino acids giving it a high biological value and a strong satiating power. Rich in fiber, the Sobacha is consumed every morning to drain toxins.

What to eat in the morning?

Drink a cup of mint tea or lemon balm without sugar.

What to eat at lunch?

A gaspacho with artichoke

Grilled salmon fillet and 1 buckwheat dish

A salad of banana, apple and prunes

A green tea of ​​your choice

What you need to know: Gazpacho is an excellent cold tomato soup. The effects of tomato, combined with the detoxifying power of the artichoke (and its stimulating action on the liver) and garlic (natural intestinal disinfectant), give gaspacho anti-nausea. Ideal for the difficult tomorrow. As for the banana, it prolongs the detox effect with its high potassium content.

What to drink in the afternoon?

A cup of herbal tea with mint or lemon balm without sugar.

A glass of almond milk. This milk has the power to isolate the stomach wall and thus allow it to rest after the aggressive treatments of the day before.

What to eat at night?

A grated red cabbage salad, marinated in lemon

A soy steak with black cherry tomato coulis

A slice of wholemeal bread

A seasonal exotic fruit salad (mango, papaya, pineapple, passion ...)

A green tea of ​​your choice

What to drink before going to bed ??

A cup of herbal tea with verbena or chamomile

Sport side ...

After a good glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice, you go for a fasting 45-minute walk to burn all the calories you've been eating the day before. We walk before each meal. Series of standing pumps, abs, the invisible chair every time you go to the toilet, cycling in the day ... You can also spend part of the day at the pool where you will abuse the sauna and steam room. will make us sweat by all the pores and give us a unified and matte complexion.


Thanks to Valérie Orsoni and

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY » on holiday (healthy, plant-based) (May 2024)