May 18, 2024

Tired of relationships without tomorrow: 10 tips to build a serious story

1. We stop over-investing love
Not to be subscribed to disappointments, in this area, passes first by a return to a certain realism. If you chained the gadins like a novice skier on a black track, it may be because you see yourself too big, too high, too strong. No, your sentimental future, if he has beautiful things in store for you, will not look like the Sleeping Beauty scenario.


2. Lessons from past setbacks
Equally important is not to settle in repeated chess lines. If the fact of being too reserved or too urgent has already been criticized by one or other of the boys we have (briefly) attended, we are working on it so as not to reproduce the same mistakes. And arrive at the same consequences.


3. We cogitate with his heart but also his reason
A successful love story is built, yes, yes, yes, on complicity, tenderness but also pragmatism. How can one hope to establish a lasting relationship if all the types on which one fl akes live to 1,500 kilometers or are married and fathers of family. Morality: we choose more accessible prey!


4. We do not seek to obey standards
Those on whom you set your sights are never up to what you expect: often beautiful outside but empty inside? Perhaps because you are always heading towards "socially" attractive men (good looks, good looks, sexy jobs) but unable to meet your deepest needs. So, reason now with more emotional criteria.


5. We do not put everything on his physique
Your tapered legs, your devastating cleavage are solid arguments to melt the male. But do not be the only assets you put forward: do not forget to show that you are also sensitive, funny and full of repartee. It is much more on that is built love complicity.


6. We do not declare ourselves too quickly
You are happily cooing with a new darling for a few days. Then you have the urge to slip a "I love you" ... Forget: the bird, frightened by so much haste, could fly off your tree never to return. Wait to be more settled in your relationship before daring to take such an important oath.


7. Let the other breathe
In the same way that one does not overwhelm it with soft words too quickly, one does not seek either to take control of one's schedule, to follow it in the least of its activities. And we do not text him thirty times a day to know if he thinks of us.


8. We stay ourselves
Do not try either, at the beginning of each relationship, to erase your personality, under the pretext of not wanting to offend your man of the moment. Do not stop seeing your girlfriend Julie, even if he finds her snobbish and listen to Celine Dion, because he thinks it's corny.


9. We do not rely on each other to "fix" us
What can fail a love story that has started well is to wait for the other what he can not give us. To know that it compensates the affection that we have little or badly given our parents, the bullying of our boss and all our other intimate injuries. Too heavy to wear and scary enough to discourage him ...


10. Tolerance is shown
The prince charming you just met is not quite? His little faults (wearing cowboy boots, lack of self-mockery, fir perfumed in his car) may be worth forgetting if he is otherwise kind, attentive and good lover! Think before you cut short the first detail that annoys.


10 Tips On Writing Better Dialogue (May 2024)