May 20, 2024

True-false about beer

The beer makes you fat.
False - Beer, if consumed in a moderate way, does not make you fat. It contains only 45 Kcal per 10 cl because it contains 90 to 95% water. On the other hand, like all drinks containing alcohol, it stimulates the appetite. So if you consume it with a food rich, you will grow fat assuredly.
Beer protects against myocardial infarction.
False - This has never been proven. A study in the Czech Republic, on the other hand, suggested that recurrences of people with myocardial infarction would be reduced by beer. It contains B vitamins that help fight against cardiovascular diseases but a food Balanced is far more desirable than beer consumption!
Beer reduces bad cholesterol.
True - but with one caveat because the study conducted included only a small sample of women ... who had a beer at noon and one at night only. So the proof is not solid.
Beer protects against colon cancer.
True - Again with one caveat: the beer contains antioxidants but the study conducted so far has only been performed on rats.
To enjoy the benefits of beer, it is recommended to drink one from time to time.
False - If you are not a consumer of alcohol, persevere, because alcohol has well-known misdeeds related to drunkenness and excessive consumption. Nothing that is good in beer can be brought by good food balanced.
Our advice
In the kitchen, beer brings its bitter flavor to many dishes. As it cooks, its alcohol flies away and you can enjoy with impunity rice, bread, pancakes, pies and meats stewed in this drink.

Madison Beer | True or false-challenge (May 2024)