May 19, 2024

Vary (intelligently) cooking to keep the line

Aware that the nutritional value of our good meals varied according to the cooking method chosen, we demonized some. Yet, used wisely, they are not bad for our thinness. To vary the pleasures while keeping the line, offers you a cooking guide.
Cooking with water
Often chosen for the preparation of vegetables, the most assiduous to the diet also use it to cook meat and fish. Certainly, side thinness it's all good, since it does not require any added fat, but do not bother with tasty masterpieces. Often bland, we always end up cracking on a few small additions that can eventually increase the calorie rate. It is therefore reserved for cooking vegetables, which can then be complemented with spices or light sauces based on yoghurt.

It is the fetish cooking of dieticians. And for good reason, it is ideal for who wants to keep the line because it does not require any addition of fat but retains the taste of food. With a little practice, we discover good ways to cook vegetables, meat and fish to have fun without regret. It is therefore this cooking that must be favored when one has the choice.
Pan cooking
It is probably cooking that has the worst reputation because of the fat that is added. But once and for all, to stay slim, we do not have to eradicate them from our diet. On the contrary, the latter are essential to our health, since to function well cells need 30 to 40g of lipids. To do well, it is light on the amount of oil (3 spoons max) or butter (10g). By less heating the pan, we avoid food to adhere to it and we use in fact, less fat.
Cooking with stew
It is an interesting cooking method for meats and vegetables because it allows to keep a maximum of flavors. Because foods cook in their own juice, the added fat is very low. Ideal for enjoying good food without blame on the scale.

Wok cooking
This cooking from Asia can be very useful when you want to cook all foods at the same time. Yet, unlike what is sometimes seen in restaurants, it does not require a lot of fat. We can regularly plan to use it, especially to impress his guests without denying his good resolutions.
Grill cooking
Ideal for cooking protein, the grill does not require added fat. In the restaurant, it is better to choose this option than to fall into the trap of dishes in sauce. But every day, we choose other cooking methods because carbonized fats can be harmful to health.
Cooking in foil
It does not seem necessarily but the wrappers are ideal for making simple dishes, very quickly. In a parchment paper, you slip a piece of meat or fine fish, it is embellished with some small vegetables, a drizzle of oil, a lemon juice. In the oven and it's ready in a few minutes. This is ideal when you have little time to cook but you do not want to make any difference.