May 19, 2024

What sport to practice during pregnancy, month after month?

1st trimester

Go soft! Unless you are an athlete who has always been confirmed, start reducing or even completely eliminating violent or traumatic activities (running, tennis, sports fighting) or at high risk of falling (riding, cycling, skiing). A shock could indeed cause a miscarriage. It goes without saying that the coming months will not be conducive to abdominal sessions either. On the other hand, do not panic if you ran a marathon just before knowing your state of pregnancy : in the absence of any particular anomaly, baby is likely to remain well hooked.

2nd quarter
Walking. In the second trimester, the center of gravity of your body begins to change and you are already struggling to make a new balance: so this is not the time to try a sport new or too demanding in terms of speed, balance and support. Walking in the open air is a great way to apprehend your figure in space and maintain your general physical condition (oxygenation, breathing capacity, transit improvement).

The soft gym. The goal is of course not to build a bodybuilder body but to maintain the shape of his muscles (including the perineum), relieve tension, pamper his joints, improve blood circulation and especially maintain his breath.

The prenatal ball gym. Ideal for toning the back, perineum, muscles of the pelvis, obliques and transverse (and even arms ... for after!), The gym on Swiss ball (that also propose some maternities under the name " birth balloon "to handle contractions of work) is really swollen!

3rd quarter
Prenatal yoga.
Toning the body and soothing the spirit is the promise of yoga to future mothers. The goal is to avoid sudden movements, violent efforts and too much stress on joints already roughed up at this stage of the pregnancy, yoga is also an excellent preparation for childbirth.

Swimming (no competition, of course). Sports activity n ° 1 women pregnant with walking, it increases heart capacity, relaxes, and spares joints, all through the pregnancy. Give priority to sessions reserved for future mothers, less tonic and more adapted. Feeling relieved of the weight of your big belly while releasing tension and stretching your body gently will be a delight.

Muscular strengthening exercises and stretching. From the beginning of pregnancy until childbirth, do not hesitate to carry out daily small exercises such as vertical legs on all fours, back round / flat back, bending back to a wall ... (ask your physiotherapist or midwife ).

Exercises in Preparation for Delivery for 7-9 months pregnant (May 2024)