June 25, 2024

Which tea to drink? And at what time of the day?

There are no instructions for drinking tea but some tips can improve its effectiveness. All teas, whether black or green, come from the same plant; the tea tree. It is the manufacturing process that differentiates them. The black tea is fermented, while green tea is not. White tea is quite rare and quite expensive. This is the most beneficial to health because it is unoxidized. But all are rich in vitamins A and E, in fluorine and potassium.

One of the functions of tea is to help with digestion. So, do not drink it on an empty stomach or before a meal. It is also not recommended to consume tea during meals because it prevents the fixation of the iron contained in food. For people who have difficulty falling asleep, it is also necessary to avoid eating at night because it actually contains caffeine.

Do not drink tea when you are hungry, unless you want to lose weight because tea makes you lose your appetite. In the same way as fruits and vegetables, green tea and black tea increase antioxidant intake and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In hot weather, it will have a refreshing effect, increasing the loss of heat.

The morning, we will favor black teas for a tonic effect (Ceylon, Darjeeling, black teas scented as Earl Gray). For lunch, opt for green teas from China or Japan, jasmine tea or white tea. For desserts, we recommend an oolong. At tea time, nothing like iced tea. You can add ingredients (lemon, cinnamon) that will make it tastier. For dinner and evening, choose oolong or a tea with flowers.

You can consume up to six cups a day at regular intervals.

7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it | Doctor Mike (June 2024)