May 14, 2024

4 ideas for tasting prawns and prawns all summer

Shrimp and prawns in salad
The coolest and quickest solution is salad. Boil some shrimp fresh roses in water with salt and lemon juice. Remove the pan from the heat immediately, let stand for 2 minutes and pass them shrimp in cold water. Mix them with corn, pieces of tomato, cucumber, artichoke hearts, onions, lettuce ... Sprinkle with chives and sprinkle with chilli powder, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Barbecue prawns and prawns
Make skewers shrimp, squares of mango, grapefruit, pepper, pieces of zucchini, red onions. Make a marinade with olive oil, cayenne pepper, cilantro, cumin and salt. Brush the skewers and cook them on the barbecue until shrimp turn pink.

Shrimp and prawns in the pan
Prefer them prawns, larger, which will be easier to cook in the pan. Marinate them prawns for at least 2 hours in a bowl filled with lime juice, liquid honey and soy sauce. Grab them in the pan with a little olive oil. Serve immediately. You can also cook everything directly in the pan. Start by frying shallots then the prawns. Add lemon juice, honey and possibly some sesame seeds. For a variation, you can cook them with pastis and liquid cream.

Shrimp and prawns in tartar
Take them extremely fresh. Cut avocado and mango into small cubes. Mix with chopped onion, lime juice, a few drops of Tabasco, olive oil, dill, salt and pepper.

6 Simple Shrimp Dinners (May 2024)