April 28, 2024

After breastfeeding, how to wean baby?

Even if you have breastfed your child for only a few days, he will still benefit. Be sure of it! When weaning your baby, you must take into account certain parameters. Thus, if it is less than 6 months, you will have to pass from breast milk to infant milk.

If he has passed the age of 6 months, you can instead direct food gradually diversified. We will help you to take stock and to see more clearly with this file.
One thing above all: sweetness!

Thefeeding is a very special link between you and your baby. So during the time you breastfed, your baby got used to your scent, the warmth of your body and your breasts. It is not always easy for him to get away, whatever the mode offood to which it will evolve (infant milk or food diversified).
Above all, know also that there are some contraindications to weaning. Better then to take knowledge beforehand. For example, you should avoid starting weaning when it's very hot, if your baby is sick, or if your baby's teeth are growing. Adapt to a new mode offood asks a lot of energy to a baby. He must be fit for that.

Similarly, for weaning to be successful, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or midwife, who will give you valuable advice on how to proceed. You can also contact moms who have already had this experience (maybe a friend?). This can be useful to you.

Whatever happens, start weaning gradually. Weaning is a key step. For you, as for your baby, it is a separation, just as it was already the test of birth (sometimes painfully experienced). The emotional life of your baby can be affected if you are not careful. Likewise, his digestive system is still fragile. So you have to go smoothly. Of course, do not worry. Many moms have been there. Just know how to do it. We will explain everything to you.
Before 6 months: towards infant milk

If your baby is less than 6 months old and you wish to stop breastfeeding, you will have to gradually switch from breast milk to infant formula. Indeed, before the age of 6 months, your child is still too small to begin the food diversification. Your milk is the best milk, but now, infant milks are also very good composition. They will meet your child's nutritional needs until he or she is older and can start eating new foods.
- How to start?
To manage the climbs of milk and wean your baby gently, so you have to go little by little. For starters, for example, you can skip a feed each day and replace it with a bottle of milk, at a time when the rise of milk is not too important. Initially, and for your well-being, keep the evening breastfeed.
After a few days, you can introduce a second bottle by removing one more suckling. Do this until the end of thefeeding. This method usually allows lactation to dry up on its own.
- The choice of milk
Many brands of milk are present on the market. All offer milks adapted to your baby, according to his age. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. They will guide you, according to your baby, his age and his needs. There are indeed some special milks that will be indicated if necessary (anti-regurgitation milk for example).
After 6 months: towards food diversification

After 6 months, your baby is mature enough to go directly from breast milk to food more varied.Nevertheless, for your well-being and that of your child, we recommend you to go smoothly.

Milk in his food
Until the age of 3, milk must remain the basis offood of your child. So do not delete it ... You will have to pass from breast milk to infant milk. To do this, proceed step by step. For example, start by removing a feed by replacing it with a bottle of milk. After a few days, proceed to the next step by removing a second feed and replacing it with a bottle of milk. As and when your milk will dry up and you can stop itfeeding totally.

His first meals
Now that your baby is weaned from your breast milk, you will be able to offer him about 4 meals a day, always composed mainly of milk. To complete, you will still be able to add some new foods ... To start, offer him some purees of vegetables. 2 to 3 weeks after, introduce the fruit compotes by teaspoons. Finally, you can introduce minced meat and fish ... That will compose a balanced lunch, in addition to the milk it needs.
Which milk to choose?
Milk 2 ° age is the milk suitable for your baby at the age of 6 months. If in doubt about the choice of milk, do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Weaning a Baby From Breastfeeding - First With Kids - Vermont Children's Hospital (April 2024)