May 4, 2024

All about vaginismus

Vaginismus is not a malformation of the vaginal organs, this results in an involuntary contraction of the perivaginal muscles during the penetration, which causes the closing of the vagina?

There are two forms of vaginismus:
- the primary vaginismus which is declared at the very beginning of the sexuality of a young woman, either because she does not know her body, or because she has trouble visualizing it in the body diagram
secondary vaginismus that occurs after a normal sexual life following a shock or trauma.

Vaginism can be explained by a more psychological approach
and can translate a phobia of the sexuality. An overly rigid education where sex is associated with shame and remains a taboo subject can lead to rejection of penetration in adulthood.


For women affected by vaginismus, gynecological examination is often impossible to practice. It is however essential to detect any anomaly of the genitals.

In addition, some women continue to have sexuality normal with reports without penetration.

This pathology can be cured with the help of a therapist
. The treatment is based on the woman's discovery of her anatomy. With a mirror, she will gradually explore with her fingers discordant parts ?? by emphasizing the muscles in question. The patient will be led to practice a vaginal touch to trivialize the gesture and accept his body. An exercise that she will reproduce at home?

During treatment
, sexual activities are proscribed to optimize the result of the therapy.


What is vaginismus, what causes it and how can it be treated? (May 2024)