May 4, 2024

Can we choose the sex of his future baby?

Eat salting to have a boy
A gynecologist-obstetrician, Dr. Papa, became famous by claiming that it is possible to choose the sex of his child just by changing the diet of the future mother. To have a boy, a woman must focus, two months before trying to have a childfoods rich in sodium and potassium (such as meats, fish ...) but low in calcium and magnesium. Conversely to have a girl, prefer dairy products, fruits .... Result, the vaginal environment would be acidified or alkalinized so as to allow a sorting between sperm carrying the chromosome X or Y. To prove it, Dr. Papa led a study of more than 200 women in 1977 in a maternity hospital in Paris. Of the 58 women who kept their diet to the end, 45 actually had thechild the sex of their choice is a success rate of more than 77%! But be careful, ask your doctor before following this diet because it is very restrictive, can cause deficiencies and is not compatible with certain conditions (hypertension, diabetes, heart problems).

Too much stress would favor baby girls
A study from Oxford University shows that women who are stressed before their pregnancy have 75% less chance of having a boy. It is the stress hormone, cortisol that would harm the implantation of the male embryo.

Fertilization close to ovulation = boy
According to the work of Dr. Landrum Shettles in the 1960s, Y sperm would be faster but would live shorter than the X. So to have a chance to have a boy it would be necessary to seek to conceive his child at the time of ovulation, for a little girl 4-5 days before. The chances of success would be around 75%! The date of ovulation can be calculated by noting its temperature curve or via tests for sale in pharmacy and on the internet. But this method has so far not really been scientifically proven.

Eating a lot would favor future boys
An Oxford University study of 720 English women shows that expectant mothers who consume more calories than average, especially those who eat breakfast cereals, have a 56% chance of having boys. Women wanting a son should then have a diversified and high calorie diet. On the other hand, the BMI (Body Mass Index) of the mother would not play.

Choosing the sex of the child through science
Today, technically it is possible to choose the sex of his future child in the context of IVF (in vitro fertilization). Preimplantation diagnosis makes it possible to implant only the egg-cell of the sex of one's choice. Alternatively, select only X or Y sperm before fertilizing the egg. These methods are authorized in the United States, China and India but prohibited in France except in case of risk of genetic disease that affects only boys (type Duchenne myopathy).

Genetic Testing to Select Baby’s Sex (May 2024)