May 14, 2024

Chocolate cosmetics: the 10 good reasons to succumb

Ladies, let's crunch and let us deliciously cover by the sweet volutes chocolate. Here are 10 great reasons to cook cocoa with all our beauty sauces!

1 - An ancient moisturizer. This is a proven recipe since cocoa butter was one of the essential pharmacopoeia items of the Mayans and Aztecs who applied it as an ointment, as an anti-desiccant and also to promote the healing of burns. The phospholipids moisturize and regenerate the skin making it softer and softer.

2 - Anti wrinkle. Not only chocolate is an antioxidant in power, but in addition it restructures and softens. And the elasticity of the epidermis optimized is the youth found! Besides activating cell renewal, it prevents skin aging. Well done chocolate version cure of youth!

3 - Multivitamin cocktail. In the morning, you rely on your glass of fruit juice to wake you up, for your skin it's the same: vitamins there is no better toning! Good news: the chocolate is drunk, but also potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Cocoa is the boost we needed to stimulate muscles and reflexes and activate blood circulation. Just that !

4 - A slimming ally. The chocolate is no longer the sworn enemy of our silhouette but rather the partner of our line! Who would've believed that ? The caffeine contained in the shell of its bean, as well as theobromine, take care of toning and firming the skin, while they attack the cellulite while exfoliating the orange peel.
5 - Aultra-efficient nti-oxidant. Cocoa is very rich in polyphenols. This agent with the mysterious name plays a role of shield to protect our skin from the aggressions and in particular the free radicals, responsible for the aging of the skin but also of our complexion tarnished by the pollution or the tobacco ... In short, it makes us a mine fresh, vibrant and purified.
6 - Shimmering reflections. Dear brunettes, trust her, used in shampoos, cocoa uses its powers to provide you with bright caramel reflections.
7 - Long live the natural! No question of incomprehensible chemical formulas, here all properties come from cocoa, its butter or its bean.
8 - For pleasure. Talented and sensual chocolate wake up endorphins, famous hormones of pleasure. A real care good mood.

9 - By greediness. A care all choco, it is also a deliciously regressive moment with enticing fragrances thus offering a multisensory experience. An ode to chocotherapy.
10 - Zenitude chocolatey. In particular in massage version it releases its relaxing properties, soothes and envelops you with its anti-stress effect.

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