April 28, 2024

Discover a new sport: the body sculpt

The body sculpt is a fitness method that relies on muscle building and cardiotraining. It's a new concept of gym which incorporates accessories like rubber bands, dumbbells, sticks during sport, to optimize the effort and the intensity of the movement. The body sculpt is inspired by the method of Step (use of a step) and the body Pump (use of weight).
A body sculpt lesson lasts 45 minutes in general. It starts with a short warm up. Then, the session of gym starts and every 5 minutes cardio exercises alternate with muscle building exercises. The session ends with series of abdominals and stretching.

For example, among the many exercises of gym that will be linked, one is to place an elastic around the ankles to increase the difficulty and resistance.
The body sculpt is a complete sport that works all parts of your body : wrists, shoulders, thighs, calves ...

To obtain results you have to practice this sport at least three times a week. If you follow this regular rhythm, at the end of six months your silhouette will be transformed and will have gained in tone.

All gyms offer this program. It is better to subscribe to one of them. Rates vary between 400 and 800? per year.
The courses are accessible to everyone.
Our advice
Before starting the body sculpt, consult a doctor. This sport is not recommended for anyone with hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

BUTI YOGA with Bizzie Gold - Abdominal Activation + Spiral Structure Technique (Full Class) (April 2024)