May 17, 2024

Dossier Back to School: Expert Opinion: Speak to Teachers

Aude, primary teacher: "We must explain to children even every two years what happens, they will return to theschool but that daddy or mom will come and look for them quickly! Tell them that they will have fun and especially not cry in front of them !! Do not hang on to them for 30 minutes! The handover must be done naturally. Do not hesitate to discuss with the instit ca distress!

Pierre, CP teacher "Many parents would like their child to know how to read before I get to my class in CP It's no use, it's important that parents do not teach them to read or write themselves. Teaching specific methods If the child learns in two different ways, he will be completely lost and this will slow his progress. "

Claire, kindergarten teacher : "Every year, the day of the return, children cry in my class ... and parents too. The first day in mother, I authorize the parents to go back and go around the class with their child who does not know me yet. This allows him to discover all the treasures that are hidden in the classroom. Infallible, the little domestic rabbit that immediately catches the attention of children. They can not wait to find him every morning. "

Asperger's, not what you think it is | Krister Palo | TEDxYouth@ISH (May 2024)