May 15, 2024

Fears of pregnancy: I'm afraid to physically transform myself

I'm afraid of getting too fat! The advice of a nutritionist

Exit the schemes. If you are too thin during your pregnancy, you may be suffering from anemia. Some mothers restrict themselves to the point that they cause deficiencies or even deliveries premature. Do not forget that what you eat determines the development of your child. It is important to eat healthy. Avoid bad fats, like chocolate, frying, sweets etc. who are hard to lose. If you accumulate bad fats, you may have high blood pressure, or have gestational diabetes. Consult a nutritionist who will help you choose the foods best suited to your needs. Practice a physical activity. During your pregnancy, there is no risk to swim or walk. On the contrary, it's good for you and your baby.

How to lose weight afterdelivery ? Justine's advice, 34 years old mother of 2 children

"I advise you to breastfeed your child.The pounds will fly off very quickly.Good plan too: creams favoring the destocking of fats ....".

I want a beautiful skin! The advice of Julie, beauty expert at Clarins

To have a beautiful skin, nourish your skin morning and evening to prepare it for distensions.

Massage to soften the tissues and promote blood circulation.

Make a scrub twice a week to stimulate cell renewal and promote better penetration of care.

Avoid too hot baths that relax the skin. Prefer cold showers.

Notify them stretch Marks at the beginning of your pregnancy. Eight out of ten women see the appearance of stretch Marks during their first pregnancy, especially if it occurs before the age of 30. Our favorite: Clarins Tonic Oil, 100 ml, 38 euros.

Protect yourself absolutely from the sun to avoid the pregnancy mask. These small brown patches appear on the forehead, cheekbones, chin and around the mouth, and mostly affect the brunettes. So apply a full screen even in town.

I'm afraid of losing my hair! The opinion of the dermatologist

For 9 months, you will find that your hair is more beautiful and has more volume, under the influence of progesterone but be careful they will tend to fall further after. I recommend you after your delivery a vitamin cure, orally, to help nature and stimulate the vital functions of your hair ".

What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby (May 2024)