May 9, 2024

Gourmet and slim: My snack slimming salty

The salty beaks are also entitled to indulge without affecting their silhouette. For that, exit salt-covered peanuts and chips, and welcome to vegetables, light cheeses or meat! To consume in small quantity, of course.


Salty snack high in protein


Some big names in the nutrition market recommend salty snacks. This is particularly the case of Dr. Dukan. Whether or not one is adept at his method thinnessnothing prevents us from taking inspiration from his snack recommendation and adapting it somewhat. So, you can bet on a high-protein snack consisting of a yoghurt and one to two slices of turkey. To refuel, do not hesitate to add a fruit, such as an apple and a light drink.


Summer salt snack


In summer, enjoy the many light fruits and vegetables, eat them as is or cook them according to your tastes, strongly limiting the addition of fat. Around 16h, do not hesitate to crack for a glass of tomato gazpachos or a few dips of cucumbers and carrots dipped in cottage cheese, all accompanied by a light iced tea. You can also take a piece of bread on which you have a slice of mozzarella and some cucumber.


Traditional salty snack


In France, our cooking habits persist, even in diet. Make yourself pleasant from time to time by taking a glass of fresh orange juice + a slice of bread + a small piece of county around 4pm. Be sure to take bakery baguette as the white or extra-soft industrial breads have a really bad impact on the line.


As explained earlier in this special folder to taste, do not forget to hydrate yourself. The more you drink and the more you eliminate, this is the one of the keys to success in the race for thinness ! Of course, we forget the soda and we choose natural water or tea and coffee without sugar.


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