May 3, 2024

Home Bubble, the website that simplifies the life of the whole family

If you have trouble managing all the administration of your home, Home Bubble is there to make your job easier. The website, online since September 16, 2009, has signed partnerships with more than twenty interlocutors of your daily.

Telephone operators, insurance companies, transport companies such as SNCF, mututelles santé, La Redoute, Pôle Emploi, banks, daycare centers ... Home Bubble partners are expanding more and more to reach all areas of life. a family.

Access to this portal is simple: you can deposit your credentials, customer numbers, loyalty card numbers, etc. for your main online purchases: shopping, private sales, gifts, press subscriptions, cinema cards ... A good way to never forget them and always have them at hand!

"HomeBubble is a handy tool to manage your home more easily ", declares its founder Bertrand Dolbeau. One can build up an intelligent directory with all the useful information to treat his personal administration. In addition to traditional areas such as insurance, energy providers, Internet and telephone, home services ... the portal also centralizes useful information for its main online shopping sites directly related to his home (supermarkets, cinema cards, gifts, ...). And of course, you can manage your home to two by sharing your portal. " All the information on

Bea Johnson: "Zero Waste Home" | Talks at Google (May 2024)