May 4, 2024

"I take care of my shape and my forms" - The point on our slimming faux-pas

"I take care of my form and my forms" The creed of these Days shows well the issue of the problems of overweight andobesity, which concern both a malaise and a risk of illness linked to several factors. The 3rd edition of the European Days of theObesity target primarily the physical activity of Westerners, terribly impoverished by their sad sedentary! But it also has poor, well-established nutritional habits. The theme of theobesity is indeed much broader than what the numbers mean (In 2009, theobesity concerned 14.5% of the population compared with 8.5% in 1997). These themes of thinness and well-being affect the entire population.


5 nutrition recommendations and good weight loss habits with CNAO *

1. Accept the pleasure
The National Center for Obese Association does not prohibit chocolate! Logically, frustration breeds "cracking". Each meal should contain a pleasure ingredient, in reasonable quantity.

2. Emphasize the "wok"
Basically, do not think frying pan and frying for each dish to cook, and limit by this reflex culinary fat intake.

3. Eat away from TV
... or magazine or book. An ancillary activity often causes the ingestion of a richer meal. Better to be aware of the food you swallow to avoid goinfrerie.

4. Shopping with a list
Everyone was able to see the torture of a supermarket trip on an empty stomach. Rather than buying four packets of cakes lapping at the corner of the lips, the list allows you to limit yourself to what you need. Other technique: the list + the full belly ...

5. Avoid diets severe
Associations murmur it louder and louder: the habit of diets promotes overweight. The effect "yo-yo" is not a myth and lose weight of a few pounds can be followed by a big weight gain. "The diet Perfect does not exist in itself: all you need to do is identify your weaknesses and inadequacies and rebalance your meals"says the CNAO.


* National Center for Obesity Association
Gathering, information stand, fun activities ... Find details about the European Days of theObesity on the CNAO website

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