April 28, 2024

Interview Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, author of Lose weight without regretting

We've almost all been at least once in our life diet to make the skin with unsightly curves before the summer, lose the weight taken during the holidays or simply find the line. And if, at first, this diet proved effective, we often took the lost weight or even more. So "lose weight without regreasing, is it possible? ". This is the question asked by Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati in his last book.
A nutritionist and a specialist in eating disorders, chair of the Reflection Group on Obesity and Overweight, he is also the author of "Ligrir sans diet In which he already held an anti-regime speech.

Based on international studies, the author nailed to the diets whose efficiency would be almost zero. And especially that would cause a rebound effect, some of us gaining more weight than they lost after stopping their diet. Food restrictions, which cause frustration and cracking, are not the solution to lose weight permanently. For Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, one must know how to listen to one's feelings and not let oneself be dictated by his emotions. Eat when you're hungry and not when you're bored, you suffer, you feel stressed or you feel bad. We must also learn to stop eating when we are no longer hungry. We forget the "Finish your plate! From his childhood or "There is still a small place for dessert". Because it is these calories absorbed when we already have a full stomach that are fatal to us and make us fat. We learn to recognize the feeling of satiety. According to the same logic, it is not important to skip a meal if you do not feel the need to eat. Because we must distinguish the need of envy, we satisfy the first but we forget the second. A work on his eating behavior and emotions that will lose his extra pounds by finding his weight balance and not regross after.

No more restrictions, just eat enough. Finally, we will not be deprived of dessert if we know stop in time!
Lose weight without regreasing, Is it possible?
, Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, Pockets Odile Jacob, 2010, 7.50?.

Five questions to Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati

While the diets are criticized by ANSSA for their inefficiency, GirlsFromMainStreet.com interviewed Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, a pioneer in the condemnation of diets. Why are they harmful? Why do we regrow after? How to lose weight sustainably? The author's responses to " Lose weight without regreasing, Is it possible? ».

A study of the National Agency for Sanitary Safety of Food published recently denounces the inefficiency or even the harmfulness of diets, which result in weight recovery after stopping in 95% of cases. This is what you have been stressing for many years. Why this anti-regime speech? What brought you to this conclusion?

This report is based on very old international studies. When we created the GROS (Group of Reflection on Obesity and Overweight) in 1998, we already signed, to join the association, a charter that stipulated in one of its articles that the diets were ineffective and harmful. I think the experts in the report were seized by the scale of the diets and wanted to act more formally. Why are they ineffective? Because in 95% of cases, therefore, all people who have followed a diet regain weight within three years. And they are harmful because they aggravate health problems and especially obesity. Because if, in general, all people at diet will recover, a number of patients will resume even more weight than it has lost. Their overweight will then increase. Some people with a totally normal weight end up obese as well. It is not up to us doctors to make their health worse. The report thus makes things official. It is a fact, but unfortunately, it does not make proposals to change this situation. We, with the BIG, we are already in this reflection for 12 years.

If we ban diets, how to lose weight then? And especially how not to take back the lost pounds?

Noting the inefficiency of diets does not mean you give up losing weight. We must find new ways.At present, there is no alternative to eating less. Most people with a weight problem have a diet disorder. By correcting this dysfunction, one obtains a caloric reduction and a loss of weight. You do not have to go to a specialist for that. Some people succeed in applying the techniques of GROS alone, to work on their food sensations and their emotions without help. Others should consult a food behavior specialist, not the diet, who will have this indispensable knowledge on the physiology of eating behavior. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of trained staff.

How to understand his food sensations? To reconcile with them? How, for example, to distinguish emotional hunger from true hunger or to recognize satiety?

Hunger is a physical sensation that triggers a desire to eat. But other things can also be the cause of this desire. We must understand what is the trigger. In people with eating disorders, this will often be an emotion. There are then two cases: those who simply do not recognize their food sensations and those who refuse to listen to them. It will therefore be necessary to work in two stages. First learn to recognize his feelings, to listen to his needs to distinguish hunger from envy. Then come to terms with her emotions so that they do not trigger food intake. It is the feeling of hunger that allows you to regain your balance weight and stay there. If it disappears, there is no control and the weight starts to float. We will then alternate between periods of diet and an emotional diet. Eating when you have emotions is a defense system. We struggle not to experience painful emotions. It is this anomaly that we are trying to correct, this emotional intolerance at the heart of food impulsivity. It is a work quite far from the techniques of diet.

We are not equal when taking or losing weight. Why ? And why do some people regain more after a diet than others?

We do not weigh the same way because we do not have the same genetics or the same metabolism. But the main inequality is the one that prevents losing weight. Obesity is defined more as the difficulty in losing weight than the ease of fattening. The weight depends on the adipocytes. But there are two ways to get fat. Either the fat cells swell or they multiply. It can thus be produced all his life. In this case, when we are going to grow again, we will raise its equilibrium weight because of this multiplication of adipocytes. Now, a fat cell once created can not disappear. It will be impossible to regain its weight before diet. But most importantly, we gain weight after a diet because we do not hold it. The diet is a mental control, it's very tiring so we inevitably let go. Most of the time when you encounter emotional difficulties. After this stop, we often remix compulsively, so we gain more weight, so we will produce more fat cells, so we will increase its balance weight and we will be a little bigger after making a diet before. It's a vicious circle.

What would be your basic tips and rules for not regrowing after losing weight?

You must not lose weight by having done a diet. And it is especially necessary to proceed in the same way to lose weight that to keep the line after: to respect its sensations food. You have to listen to your hunger to know when to eat and to maintain that listening to keep your weight right afterwards. But it's not easy because the emotions can interfere with this listening, so we must work on it. Respecting one's sensations allows one to find and reach one's balance weight. But, at present, there is no sustainable way to stay below that weight. It must therefore be accepted.

Lose weight without regreasing, Is it possible?, Dr. Jean-Philippe Zermati, Pockets Odile Jacob, 2010, 7.50?.

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