May 13, 2024

Hair: 5 tips to say goodbye to static electricity

Winter is fast approaching. You bring out your big wool sweaters to face the cold with dignity. Only downside: when putting on your multiple layers of clothing, your hair rebel and rise in the air, like tentacles impossible to control. And you end up looking like Doc, in Back to the Future. Not really glamourIt must be admitted. Rest assured, you are not an alien. You are simply the victim of a common ailment that rages every year at this time: static electricity. The winter plague. To end this ordeal, has requisitioned two professional hairdressers, who gave us some practical tips. History of disciplining our hair. And not to look like an octopus. Thanks WHO ?
1. Calm down, hair dryer side
Leaving your shower, after your shampoo, only one desire: bring you the hair dryer to dry your mane quickly and not shiver in your bathrobe. So you push the button, maximum power, and wait for him to do his job. Fault ! As indicated by the creative team at Dessange, a heat excessive will amplify static electricity. Better to drop in intensity or even better, let it dry in the open air. If you have the courage ...
2. Put products upstream

Think about doing care for hairto feed them and protect them from external aggression. Do not hesitate to put, in addition, a little spray on your mane, to coat the hair and weigh it down slightly. A tip from Mark Hampton, Ambassador Toni and Guy.
3. Use hand cream
Another tip, proposed by the creative team Dessange: put hand cream on the lengths and ends. This will bring brilliance to hair but will also help to discipline them.
4. Do not wash them too often
"More the hair are clean, worse is " says Mark Hampton, Ambassador Toni and Guy. You'll understand: we avoid daily shampoos and we space them more.
5. Take your trouble
Unfortunately, for some of you, these tips will have no effect. As Mark Hampton says. It remains to take your trouble and try to avoid, as much as possible, friction. Which means, in other words: do not have fun removing and putting on scarves or sweaters every five minutes.

Make Your Own Anti-Static Spray - Simple DIY (May 2024)