June 16, 2024

John Galliano: his last show for Dior

After a few days of hesitation, Dior communicated in a statement that his parade Winter 2011-2012 to be held tomorrow at the Musée Rodin will take place. This will be the last parade prepared by John Galliano, evicted from home Dior since his arrest for racial abuse.


Dior said that for this paradeBackstages would be banned to the press. remains to be seen if the Vips will respond to the invitation of Dior or if some stars will boycott the parade. Natalie Portman, Miss's face Dior Sweetheart is quick to react saying "disgusted" by the words of John Galliano. Marion Cotillard, also muse of the house, refused to speak on the subject.


For those who will not have the precious card to attend parade, know that it will be broadcast on Paris Première this Friday, March 4 at 00.50 and Saturday, March 5 at 11h45

John Galliano fired - his last Dior Show in Paris (June 2024)