May 8, 2024

Luck, Anis

His name, Anise, means "The companion" in literary Arabic. He grew up listening to Tom Waits, Bo Diddley and also Edith Piaf. By cutting short albumthese influences emerge in a clever mix of genres. The artist combines his words with the sounds of clarinets, harmonica or contrabass ... You feel like a call from the sea, more specifically from New Orleans. From the first notes, we think of Django Reinhardt, whoAnise Mention also very quickly. Cheerful and well orchestrated, "The luck"Listen to everything lightly, even if the lyrics are sometimes tinged with gravity. Anise believe in luck, his was to be spotted when he played the guitar in the subway. The rest is this album, that he will have the opportunity to present this summer in several cities of France.
Anise, The luck, Virgin, 14.99? approx. (website) CC

Anis - Dans tes yeux. (May 2024)