June 28, 2024

Marion Cotillard, new muse of Dior

All smiles at Marion Cotillard ! Dior just chose her as a new muse. The young actress can be flattered, she goes behind the biggest names and the most beautiful women like Monica Belluci and Diane Kruger. The French actress will insure the advertising campaign of the bag «Lady Dior ". The bag "Lady Dior Bears this name in honor of Lady Diana who adored this bag.
Since her Oscar in 2008 for the role of Edith Piaf in The kid, Marion Cotillard has become a coveted international star on all sides. Soon, we will discover the beautiful in a detective film alongside Johnny Deep and Christian Bale. Lucky girl ! We wish him a long and beautiful career. While waiting to find it on the screens, the photos of Marion Cotillard for Dior made by Peter Lindbergh will be released this year.

Dior extends Marion Cotillard’s role from muse to director (June 2024)