June 30, 2024

Pastry kits, what is it worth?

With the pastry no room for approximations! And when it comes to getting down to the achievement of small macarons, financial, charlottes, éclairs and other pies, the choice of the recipe becomes as important as that of the utensils. The pleasure of the eyes comes before that of the taste buds. So to allow the amateurs to hope to make a dessert worthy of a Conticcini many brands imagine kits of pastry. But what exactly are they worth?

Cutters, molds, siphon, sockets, thermometers ... With their kits pastries, the brands make available to the general public quality materials needed for the most basic and complex projects.

To simplify the exercise some are racking their brains, so that appear the plates to macarons, graded cooking mats, dough straightener sugar... Even neophytes have their chance.

Perfectionists will only have to go to the sites and specialized shops to embellish their creations. In these temples of the greedy decor food coloring, small stars, flowers abound.

However these kits are not essential, once the basics of the pastry assimilated, ingenuity makes most of this paraphernalia superfluous. The outline of a bowl drawn on baking paper, your macarons will all have the same diameter. Cut out the corner of a freezer bag you get a pastry bag ...

DON'T BUY? 9 REASONS Scholastic's Klutz Mini Bake Shop is NOT worth it SaltEcrafter #7 (June 2024)